Monday, April 19, 2010

CPL 2.0 - Social Networking

For you, is Facebook useful or a time-waster?

I use Facebook occasionally to keep tabs on what friends are up to, but I frankly find it a bit of a time-waster. With work and family obligations, phone calls to return and emails to respond to, Facebook is just one more thing to do. I have friends who love it and are on all the time, but the appeal is lost on me. I thought it would grow on me, but I check it much less frequently now than when I originally signed up two years ago, and even then it was only once a week at most...

CPL 2.0 - Wikipedia

How easy or difficult was it to find articles that needed editing? Were the errors you found factual or grammar / spelling?

I found an article to edit within a very few minutes, although from discussions I had with my co-workers, others found it rather time consuming. I chose to edit an article on my hometown and added a well-known fact that was missing. This was the first time I had added anything to Wikipedia--although I certainly had accessed numerous articles from the site before--and I was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was. This experience reminded me, however, how subject to error Wikipedia can be.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

CPL 2.0 - Delicious

How comfortable are you using Best Websites, after this practice? Do you have any tips for using Best Websites on Delicious?

Prior to this assignment, I had not used Best Websites very often. Usually, it was to locate a site I already knew existed on CPL's Delicious page and not to perform a search. I definitely feel more comfortable using Best Websites after playing around with the site a bit, but I remain a bit skeptical about how useful it is. I believe that ongoing use of this tool will open my eyes to its value.